Katelyn, you are 17 months old today!The past week or so has been rough, I won't lie, but we still love you to pieces. All four of your pointy teeth are making their appearance and apparently, it hurts pretty bad. You have been incredibly fussy and just about stopped eating all together. I mean, you were throwing EVERYTHING on the floor. I finally decided I'd had enough and switched you to your booster seat to see if that would make a difference. So far, it has! Maybe you were just telling me you were a big girl now and no longer needed the high chair. I have also been sitting your entire plate in front of you with a spoon and letting you go to town. You are doing pretty well! Here you are this morning with your new setup:
The new teeth haven't interrupted your sleeping too much, but you are waking up about an hour earlier now. You still sleep about 12 hours (~7 pm to 7 am). And you are still taking a good nap after lunch (2-3 hours).
Your consistent words are mama, dada, baba (brother), yucky, uh oh, belly button, and animal noises (meow, baa, woof woof, grrr, ooh ooh ah ah, and sometimes quack quack). You also use the word dada for shoes and nose and the word baba for blanket and paci among other things.
You imitate everything I do. So cute to see you wipe your nose, put on chap stick, put clean diapers in the diaper genie, and shut cabinets with your feet.You still LOVE shoes. I mean, we will be broke by the time you are 10. You wake up asking for them. You are pretty good at matching pairs and at matching them to your outfit.
But you still hate to shop! You are NEVER happy in a store. Not even Target.
You are BUSY! It takes approximately 10 minutes for you to destroy our house. I cannot even keep up so I've stopped trying.You are FAST! And you love to climb up stairs. And play hide and seek from mommy. You are also pretty good at finding brother when he is hiding.
You still love your brother. Today, he was reading a book on the floor and you climbed into his lap all by yourself so he would read to you. I pretty much cried.You also love your daddy. Today when you got hurt, you reached out to him while I was holding you. You may be a daddy's girl.
Speaking of getting hurt, you do not pay attention when you are walking and you run into walls/furniture all of the time. You started walking primarily at the beginning of this month.
You are trying to run.
Slow down little girl...you're growing up too fast!
HBD to me and my first design patent!
3 days ago