I remember when Collin was little, I took a picture of him one day and thought, "Wow, he looks like a little kid instead of a baby." Here's that picture of him taken just a few days shy of 19 months old.Well, it happened again. I was taking pics of Kate on Tuesday, because she learned how to climb up on the bench for the kitchen table (as well as every other piece of furniture, including the kitchen table itself.) That picture of Collin immediately came to mind. Just so happens she's 19 months, too. Cheese!Collin never did this. I think we're gonna have our hands full with this one!
So, now that the school supplies are out (really?), I guess it's time to do a post on summer. We've had lots of summer fun so far, mostly involving water. Because, let's face it, I don't really enjoy temperatures over 100. Or humidity. This will definitely be a "catch up" post, but lucky for you, it's gonna be mostly pictures. And speaking of school supplies, I CANNOT believe my little man is starting "real" school in less than 2 months! "Real" meaning school that he actually has to go to when mommy isn't working. I'm not really ready to think about it yet, so let's stick with summer for now!
Katelyn loves the pool, but she's not such a fan of sprinklers or any sort of splashing/falling water. Collin, however, loves any sort of water activity. He HATES to be hot! My sweet niece Campbell swimming in Gran's pool. Collin didn't care anything about having his picture taken that day. Katelyn and Mimi. Katelyn and Nanna. Collin loves going to the "ice cream factory" (aka Carvel) Katelyn's first time on a boat! Thanks to Hugh and Ashley for such a fun weekend! We went to St. George Island with my family for a whole week in June. We stayed in a big house for the first time and I think everyone loved it! Collin and Katelyn on the beach the day we got there. The house had a pool too (the kids' favorite!). My baby sister (Aunt Kandace) and her cute sunhat. Collin headed out to fish with Daddy on our first morning at the beach. How I spent the first morning. Collin loved the pool. After begging him all last summer to take off his floaties, he finally decided it was time. He just took them off and started swimming. And within a day or two, he was doing this:
Katelyn on the beach. Collin and Carter digging holes. Mommy's girl. Yeah, right. She's a daddy's girl. One of my faves. Checking out the starfish. Push Ups! (Our power went out in the house for almost 2 days. It was our attempt to keep the kids cool.) Out to eat with all four kiddos because Kelli and I didn't really trust much of our refrigerated food. They did surprisingly well. Cam and Kate are having some attention issues, so it was so sweet to see them getting along :) Cam and Uncle Mike. Best buds.More beach play. The toy buckets were a huge hit! Little man trying to stay cool under the tent (right before the wind swept the tent away and destroyed it.) Loved her curly beach hair! First time forward facing in the car (she borrowed Cam's car seat for a trip to the souvenir shop.) Collin, Carter, and the crab. Nanna and her boys. Silly boy. Our last night at the beach, Jason and I tried to get some good beach portraits. I'm sure he has better ones, but here are some of my favorites. Happy Summer!