Whew, did September fly by or what?? The kids have adjusted VERY well to their new school and look forward to going every day. Collin has especially come out of his shell and walks around that school like he owns the place. Not to mention, he hangs out the car window at carpool saying hi and goodbye to his favorite teachers every day. I've gotten great reports about how he is so helpful and "complimentary" to his friends. He's really growing up. On top of all that, he learned to tie his shoes! I showed him once and he had it down in about 10 minutes. Katelyn is doing great as well. So far her favorites are the bubbles, painting, and dancing during music time. She's doing some growing up herself too. She's singing songs (favorite by far is Wheels on the Bus) and having tiny little conversations with me (mostly about what she did at school to which she always responds with "play", "bubbles", or she might even start singing a little tune).
I don't know about you, but we are so thankful that fall is here. So many great things to look forward to. We've already been to a fall festival and are looking forward to pumpkin patches, hayrides, costumes, fall parties at school, and the list could go on and on. Mostly, we've been enjoying being able to play OUTSIDE again!
Collin taking Katelyn to see the Halloween decorations.
Explain to me again why there are pumpkins in our yard?
Mom, enough with the camera.
Katelyn likes to take her shoes OFF to play outside.

Happy Fall!