Wherever you go, I'll go there too. Here and there and everywhere, and always with you. ~Sandra Boynton

Friday, August 23, 2013

Make It Monday

Now that we're getting back into the swing of things since school started back, I figured I should post SOMETHING about our summer.  I was really excited to have so much time off from carpool, folders, and just schedules in general.  I thought 11 weeks would last forever.  It FLEW by.  I'll be honest though.  The kids fought constantly.  They drove me bananas.  I yelled.  But we DID have fun! 

At the start of summer, I found a "schedule" on pinterest (my type A personality wouldn't let me drop the schedule completely!) where each day of the week had a theme.  We used those daily themes to make a summer "bucket list".  I'm proud to say we marked almost all of the activities off of our list!  We didn't always do the right activity on the right day of the week, but I don't really think that matters...it was just a nice way to make our lists and keep us accountable for not sitting around all day playing video games or watching TV. 

So here's the first look into our summer...our Make It Mondays!  Or whatever day of the week we decided to do a craft :)

Memorial Day flags
Painting rocks.
Collin made this awesome caterpillar on Eric Carle day at the library.

4th of July Fireworks
Wild Kratts Creature Power Suits...Take 1.

Take 2.

Sewing kits from the craft store.

Well, there weren't 11 Monday photos, but we also made a few yummy things from recipes like brownies and popsicles!  Overall, Mondays were Fundays.  And pajama days :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I needed a "schedule" too. I was going bonkers for the lack on consistency. :)

