2. Snuggles. When Collin woke up, I asked him if he was ready to go potty and get his big boy underwear on, to which he responded, "no, let's just lay in my bed and snuggle for a minute."
3. Yucky fever/sore throat virus gone. For the day anyway. Sore throat seems to be making its appearance again.
4. Tickets bought for Toy Story 3 on Ice. Collin is going to be so surprised!
5. Plans made for a kid-free anniversary dinner tomorrow night. 6 years!
6. Halloween decorations. Collin has been counting down the days until October 1. We got the pumpkins out bright and early this morning.
7. Cute Halloween outfits (and shoes that finally fit Katelyn).
9. Nice, outside lunch at Sonic with the kids.
10. Collin's super cool robot glasses in his Sonic kid's meal.
11. Collin making Katelyn laugh all the way down to the Spirit Halloween store.
12. Collin not throwing a tantrum in the Spirit Halloween store because his size was not in stock in his chosen costume.
13. Two Halloween costumes purchased at Party City. (Along with some cute yard decorations.) Sheriff Woody and a cute little fairy in case you were wondering.
14. One tall decaf pumpkin spice latte.
15. Collin wearing his Halloween costume while we decorated the yard with newly purchased decorations.
16. Family walk after dinner.
17. Collin falling in the toilet while I was giving Katelyn a bath. (This was not funny for Collin, and he got really upset that I laughed.) He usually sits on the potty while I bathe her, but tonight, he didn't realize that he had left the seat up.
18. Bedtime stories.
19. Mike doing the grocery shopping for next week.
20. DVR'd Private Practice.
And now it's bedtime. Good night and happy October!

I am so glad for you to get a nights sleep. They are rare with 2 sweet small ones. They look CUTE in their orange shirts. They are growing so FAST!!! I wish Kelli had more time to put Carter and Campbell on Facebook. I miss seeing all my "KIDS". Love