Wherever you go, I'll go there too. Here and there and everywhere, and always with you. ~Sandra Boynton
Monday, October 25, 2010
What a mess!
Little Miss Katelyn is definitely on the move now. She wants to get into EVERYTHING! Give her a container (box, bowl, bag, etc.) filled with anything and she's quiet for a long time. It's fun to just watch her take each item out, examine it to see if it interests her, shake it to see if it makes a noise, put it in her mouth to see what it tastes like, put it down and start pulling something else out. She made her first official MESS the other day when she got into her diaper bag. First, it was just her sippy cup.Up next, puffs and tissues.Brief pause to try to get Mommy's camera.Now, what else is in here?Oh, some diapers and wipes.Boring! What else?Girl loves her shoes.Maybe there's an extra paci in here.Mommy uses this a lot. There must be something good in here.Yep. That's a choking hazard. She was 100% supervised during this little adventure, I promise.One of her favorites!Sorry for the mess Mommy!
She and Ethan are about to be quite a pair. My house or your's? We gotta get these two movers in the same room!