You continue to have one large noggin (48 1/4 cm-95+ %ile).
Your ears weren't infected! Your tubes were in place and looked good.
You were mildly anemic. We added iron to your daily vitamin and will recheck at 15 months.
You are pretty much back on track developmentally. Yay!
Mommy has to start thinking about taking your bottle away in the next few months.
You had already had enough poking and prodding for one week. (That, and you have figured out those doctors.) Thankfully Mommy delayed a few of your vaccines for you. Although the doctor said it was fine to immunize you even though your surgery was 2 days before, I just didn't feel right about it. You still got 2 shots and a toe stick for the CBC.
Here's a little bit more about you these days:
You are still on the move. You started pulling up to stand 2 days after your birthday.
You have 2 front bottom teeth and 2 bottom molars. I think the 2 front top teeth are about to make their appearance finally :)
You wear size 12 and 18 months and a size 3 shoe.
You do not like hats or gloves. But I got you a hat that you can't take off and interestingly enough, you haven't tried.
You will not keep a hairbow in your hair.
You stopped nursing right after you turned 11 months old. You now take three 6 oz bottles a day. You drink Enfamil Enfagrow Vanilla formula. Just this week I started mixing it with cows milk. You have gotten better about drinking milk with your meals.
You have a sweet tooth. You can spot a sweet from across the room. Some of your favorites? Chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, and ice cream.
You haven't been quite as good about eating your veggies lately. Especially carrots. They mostly end up on the floor. You still eat lots of green beans. And you LOVE fruit. New favorite? Mandarin oranges.
You have been consistently going to sleep all by yourself. Mommy gives you a bottle, sings 4 songs while you lay your sweet head on my shoulder, lays you down in your bed, and walks out of the room. You do not make a peep. And while I miss rocking you to sleep, I've been willing to give that up since you sleep so much more soundly (7/7:30 to 7:30). No more night wakings!
You are becoming gradually more attached to your paci. You are less willing to give it away when you wake up. You also love to have one in your mouth and at least 1 in your hand sometimes.
Inconsistently, you have said dada, mama, and baba. You are trying to say "uh oh" when you drop something, but only the "uh" comes out.
You have a "fuss face".
You love the playroom. You get so excited every time we open the baby gate to head upstairs.
You need baby proof latches on the drawers in your room. Poor little fingers.
Big brother makes you laugh all the time and you love his toys. Although you don't always play with them appropriately.
We love you so much sweet girl! Here's to another year of milestones, laughter and silly faces.
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