Well, Katelyn, here we are...halfway between your first and second birthdays! We've got a busy few months ahead of us, so I guess it's time to start party planning! I just checked the calendar, and it turns out your birthday falls on a Saturday this year. So at least the date's already picked! You go for your 18 month well checkup appointment in the morning, so I'll update on how much you've grown tomorrow. You've outgrown your summer shoes already, so I'm expecting pretty high numbers!
Speaking of shoes, you still love them! You want them on all the time and even bring Mommy, Daddy, and Brother our shoes quite often.
You also want to get dressed first thing in the morning. You have recently started trying to take off your jammies and you bang on your closet door. Like I said last month, we will be broke by the time you are 10.
You are still doing well in the booster, but your appetite has decreased a bit. You want to feed yourself all of the time and you are doing well with a fork and a spoon. You love "yogurt shake its" (yogurt smoothies) and the occasional capri sun. Your other favorites are cereal bars, yogurt, cheese, any kind of dressing or dipping sauce, all fruits, yogurt raisins, and croutons.
Sleep? Yes, you still love it. Thank you for the 3-4 hour naps this past week. Although I sort of missed you :)
You are definitely a daddy's girl. When Daddy is at work, any noise you hear is "dada?" You love to wave bye bye to Daddy in the morning and watch his truck pull in the driveway in the afternoon.
You love to play outside and upstairs in the playroom. You love bubbles and riding in brother's truck. You are afraid of the water hose, but you love to splash in the baby pool.
You are running! And walking backwards.You are trying to talk a little more. Today I got you to say "out" twice! Once to get out of brother's fire truck and once to get out of the exersaucer. (Yes, you STILL will sit in it long enough for Mommy to get a shower.) Your other consistent words are dada (obviously), uh oh, yucky, yuck, bath (another favorite), belly, and bai (for the cat, Bailey). You don't say mama all that much anymore. You have also said ball and dirty.
You still love to look at books and you are very smart! You can point to almost anything in a book when asked. You follow lots of directions and understand just about everything we are saying. You love to "get a bath", "brush your teeth", and "throw this away".
You HATE to be strapped in anything. Car seat and stroller especially. Hence your strong dislike for shopping.
You are still really good at destroying the house. I have completely given up. Daddy comes home quite often to a disaster.
But it's a beautiful mess!
HBD to me and my first design patent!
3 days ago