You have one new tooth coming in for a total of 9. But the ones you already had have come in so much more and it makes you look so much older!
You started asking for hairbows. And you leave them in.
You dropped a bottle feeding and a nap. You now drink a bottle when you wake up and when you go to sleep, but none during the day. According to my plan of completely weaning you at 15 months, you weren't supposed to have that morning bottle this morning. Maybe tomorrow. You consistently nap from about 12-2 (give or take) every day. Good girl!
You still love to eat. This month you started taking bites of your food. We don't have to break everything up for you anymore. (I can hand you a whole waffle or pancake now, and you can handle it.) Your current favorite food? Ritz crackers. I usually top them with either hummus or cream cheese for you.
You sleep with blankie and a baby doll. Oh, and paci. (Yes, you get to keep that until you're 3 just like brother). And you use your bumper pad as a pillow, often with your bottom straight up in the air.
You stayed without Mommy for 3 nights in a row and did great! I missed you so much, but I'm glad you were able to adjust so well.
I disconnected your Angelcare monitor this week. This came after Nanna found you with the cord to it wrapped around your neck during naptime! I highly recommend this product to any new mom with a new baby. But once that baby is a toddler, it's time to take it out.
Your vocabulary now consists of mama, dada, uh oh, and something that sounds like "thank you". You have also imitated the word "cracker" once. You consistently sign "more", "all done" and "eat".
You love animals. And you think that all animals say "woof woof". But you will roar like a lion when prompted.
You are standing! Only for a few seconds so far, but you get so excited!
We love you so much sweet girl! Happy 14 months!
Wow! That is a big month! She is cuter than ever!