One night in Fayetteville, my sister and I decided to let Collin and Carter stay up late to have a movie night. We wanted them to watch an old Disney movie that we used to watch. We decided Toy Story would be a good one. They loved it! After that they exchanged the movie as Christmas presents this past year. Collin refers to them as the blue and red Buzz Lightyear movies (Toy Story and Toy Story 2, respectively). Hopefully Toy Story 3 will be a different color when it comes out on DVD :)
So, we've been planning Collin's first trip to the movie theater ever since I first heard they were making a Toy Story 3. Jeremy, Christy, and Lilia gave Collin a cinema gift card for his 3rd birthday in February (which happened to be a Buzz Lightyear party) specifically to see this movie (Thanks guys!). I tucked it safely away for 5 months. Today was the day, and it was a success!! He woke up so excited. We hadn't been really sure how to explain the movie theater to him, so we just kept telling him how big the TV would be. All morning, he talked about how the movie theater would be as big as our house. And he was so sweet telling Katelyn that she was too tiny this time, but soon she would be big enough to go too. I think it was good for Collin to get some special time too. He was also super excited that Aunt Kandace was joining us (who was just as excited considering 11 years ago, she was just a kid herself). So Collin, Me, Daddy, and Aunt Kandace made the trip down to the Mall of Georgia while Katelyn stayed home with Nanna (Thanks Mom!).
Here's Collin with the ginormous popcorn that we all got to share. (This popcorn was $8, but it came with a free refill. Seriously? A refill?)
And here's the picture that we went to take after the movie (I didn't think we had any time beforehand. I didn't realize there were approximately 20 minutes of previews before the movie actually started. Did I mention that the last time I went to the theater was when I was pregnant with Collin? We saw The Break Up. Great movie but I cried like a baby. And this is not even a sad movie looking back. My advice...don't go to the movies when you are pregnant. Anyway, I'm getting way off topic). Here's that picture...
I thought this was a great movie and I'm already looking forward to seeing it again (on DVD of course...we're not rich, people). Also looking forward to next summer when we get to go see Cars 2! Now if I can just steer clear of the aisles and aisles of Toy Story 3 merchandise at every store...
HBD to me and my first design patent!
4 days ago
I am so glad he enjoyed it!